
The Gospel in Genesis: From Fig Leaves to Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

If you’ve ever asked, “Why am I the way that I am? Why is life so hard? Is there any hope?” you’ll find answers in Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ study of Genesis. In this series of sermons, beloved teacher Martyn Lloyd-Jones walks readers through the early chapters of Genesis. The Gospel in Genesis starts with the fall of man and ends with the call of Abram as it examines portions of chapters 3–12. Along...

possibilities as though I were putting up a number of pins. Then I stand back and throw several bowling balls at the pins. The pin that’s left standing is the right diagnosis.’ That was his method. I am trying to tell you that the same method should be applied in the whole question of your particular personal problems and mine. You come to me and say, ‘I’m unhappy. I’m conscious of a conflict. I’m in a crisis. What’s the matter with me?’ And the Bible says, ‘In the beginning God …’ as if it has forgotten
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